Suicide Awareness and Prevention

The Jason Flatt Act


The Jason Flatt Act (KSA 72-6284) was passed by the Kansas Legislature and signed by the governor in May 2016. In support of the provisions of this act, USD 207 school personnel is provided with one hour of suicide awareness and prevention training annually. The content of this training is available for parental review.


Immediate Support in Kansas


988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline


The previous Lifeline phone number (1-800-273-8255) remains available to people in emotional distress or suicidal crisis.


Family Mobile Crisis Helpline 

  • Support is available 24/7 (youth ages 20 and younger) 
  • Kansas Department for Children and Families
  • Call 833-441-2240


"Kansas A Friend AsKS" App 

  • Free on the Apple App Store and Google Play (Kansas Office of Attorney General)
  • Connects youth to tools and resources

Risk Factors and Warning Signs


Risk factors are personal or environmental characteristics to be aware of for increased risk, but do not cause or predict a suicide attempt. When present, these signal the need to be vigilant of warning signs.


Warning signs may help determine if a loved one is at risk for suicide, especially if the behavior is new, has increased, or seems related to a painful event, loss, or change. 

Suicide Awareness and Prevention Resources